“Snickers is a yearling miniature horse that I’ve had (along with her dam) since she was 3 weeks old. During morning feeding she wasn’t feeling well and my regular vet was at the barn anyway, so I had him look at Snickers. I was told that she had some sand in her gut and to give her some Banamine paste and she’d be just fine. A few hours later, she was worse and so she was given a dose of injectable Banamine. When that dose wore off, she was worse still, so I had the emergency vet come out and he gave her some additional meds and told me that if she was not better in 4 hours that she would need to go to the hospital. Four hours later, Snickers was rolling again so we trailered her up and took her to San Luis Rey Equine Hospital. I had been told by a horse trainer friend of mine that Snickers was most likely not going to survive and that the hospital wouldn’t be able to do anything for her. I took her anyway. Dr. Potenza and her team were phenomenal! Snickers stayed and SLREH from Monday night to Saturday afternoon, but she survived – without having to have colic surgery!
To me, my horses are just as close family members as the dogs or cats and I want nothing but the best care for them. I trust SLREH implicitly with any of my horses. They always get the best, most comprehensive care and I’m always kept informed! I get a call each day to tell me how my horse is doing and the next treatment steps are outlined. I’m always given the opportunity to ask questions and be heard….and I can visit my horse to see for myself that they are getting better!